The bundle can be installed using the package spomky-labs/web-push-bundle
If you use Symfony Flex, the bundle is ready to be used. Otherwise, you must enable it. The bundle class is WebPush\Bundle\WebPushBundle
When done, the bundle is ready and can send the notifications. However, there are extra packages we highly recommend to install and set up.
VAPID Header
The VAPID header authenticates your server and prevent malicious application to send notifications to your users. The header contains a signed JSON Web Token (JWS).
The library provides bridges for the following libraries web-token
and lcobucci/jwt
Please install web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-ecdsa
or lcobucci/jwt
depending on the library you want to use.
It is possible to use any other JWS provider. This will be detailed in the future.
Last updated
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