The Subscription

The subscription is created on client side when the end-user allows your application to send push messages.

On client side (Javascript), you can simply send to your server the object you receive using JSON.stringify.

A subscription object will look like:


On server side, you can get a WebPush\Subscription object from the JSON string using the dedicated method WebPush\Subscription::createFromString.


use WebPush\Subscription;

$subscription = Subscription::createFromString('{"endpoint":"[…]AAAAAAAAA","keys":{"auth":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX","p256dh":"YYYYYYYY[…]YYYYYYYYYYYYY"}}');

Supported Content Encodings

By default, the content encoding aesgcm will be used. This encoding indicates how the payload of the notification should be formatted. The PushManager object from the Push API may list all acceptable encodings. In this case, it could be interesting to set these encodings to the Subscription object.

// Retreive the supported content encodings
const supportedContentEncodings = PushManager.supportedContentEncodings || ['aesgcm'];

// Assign the encodings to the subscription object
const jsonSubscription = Object.assign(
    { supportedContentEncodings }

// Send the subscription object to the application server
fetch('/subscription/add', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(jsonSubscription),

This will result in something like as follow:


The order of supportedContentEncodings is important. First supported item will be used. If possible, AES128GCM should be used as prefered content encoding.

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