The WebPush object requires a PSR-17 Request Factory, a PSR-18 Http Client and an Extension Manager .
Copy use Nyholm \ Psr7 \ Factory \ Psr17Factory ;
use Symfony \ Component \ HttpClient \ Psr18Client ;
use WebPush \ WebPush ;
$client = new Psr18Client ();
$requestFactory = new Psr17Factory ();
$service = new WebPush ($client , $requestFactory , $extensionManager);
The service is now ready to send Notifications to the Subscriptions. The StatusReport object that is returned is explained here .
Copy <? php
use WebPush \ Subscription ;
use WebPush \ Notification ;
$subscription = Subscription :: createFromString ( '{"endpoint":"[…]AAAAAAAAA","keys":{"auth":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX","p256dh":"YYYYYYYY[…]YYYYYYYYYYYYY"}}' ) ;
$notification = Notification :: create ()
-> withPayload ( 'Hello world' )
$statusReport = $service -> send ( $notification , $subscription ) ;